Here I go furiously printing again as the jumbled up thoughts in my brain unfold into lines and then paragraphs.
Life is a story; as we all know and episodes are non exhausting till we live. But the line betweeen one episode and the other is so fine and faint that we are unable to realize that we need move on to the next chapter.
My battle within me today is to identify why am I waiting? For who am I waiting? Why am I pining everyday? How am I going to get what I want when I myself don't know what I want? They say no body knows you as much as you know yourself and no mind reader has the crystal ball to your thoughts; but then how come some of us are so confused and wait for someone to initiate and then blindly follow.
Just few days ago I came across a lady who lost the love of her life. Since then she has been waiting. It immediately reminded of Hillary Swanks in the movie P.S. I love you... the way she kept on feeling her husband Jerry around her even after he died. The only difference is that my friend's partner was alive and probably happy with his new life.
But in a way I am glad that unlike me atleast she knows what she is waiting for... unlike me she has something to look forward to. Unlike me she knows that the dream she has even with her eyes wide open is the same as the reality she once lived. But what would you do if the dreams you once dreamt seem so unreal that even with the eyes closed they seem fuzzy??