Feb 23, 2016

Bonds and Frequencies

Recently I have been doing too many things and yet I find this space. The space to print about the bonds that pretend like they don't exist but know that they do.

It is a strange feeling that years go by and people move on and find newer companions to surround themselves with. However, somewhere deep down there seems to prevail a connection.

A connection so deep rooted that sometimes I feel if that did not exist, a shade of me will be lost. Is that the unison sublimeness at its pinnacle? Or perhaps a display of not letting go the demons from the past ?

Nostalgia from the schooling days, the cement structure that might seem to some but memories to me where its corners boasted of gossips with friends and the lobbies resonated with chatter and cheer from students walking across.

The town where nothing progressed but I found the best life had to offer. The town I couldn't wait to quit as a teenager and now I can't wait to see, feel and inhale the fragrant sand it offers when people, animals and vehicles pass by.

Friends who I haven't seen in years and yet they enter my dreams as if I was with them yesterday and are with me supporting me in everything I do and pulling up on things that may not seem the best for me.

Parents, who I think about each day and pray for their health and happiness.  They support me through their spirit and look after me like I was just a baby and wrapped up in the warmth of a blanket in the embrace of my mother.

And lastly, the annoying frequency from someone unknow or someone who I know too well. The frequency that keeps tuning in and over powering me in what I do, how I think and why I do things the way I do.

I do admit that the last paragraph is a bit eerie in taste but when one is being engulfed and empowered by a soul they don't know it does carry an element of recharge with it.

So far, I am enjoying being in its protection ... Awaiting to see what life unfolds!