Feb 28, 2011

Catching up on leftover lift ups

Between a full time job, a non school going child and house chores today I decided was the day to catch up on some much needed "me time". No, not the sort of time most people have in mind  like cosmetic pampering, sauna, a pedicure and french tips. Although most mothers would dream of such time the reality is quite the contrast!

My "me time" is a time to mentally re-organize my to do list, to re-map the short and long term goals, to reassess my barometer for satisfaction and happiness in general and lastly have a cup of tea while reading my unfinished book without anyone screaming in my ears every twenty seconds "Mom...."

For years I have been a believer of this mini break which energizes my inner core to focus with a fresh approach, to think differently and embrace a different angle on the situation I may be in at the time.  Up until now it was a self cultivated unpublished process that healed me. However, now I would like you to understand what this minisode like time break can do for you.

So, if you are reading this, take some time off if you feel you are caught in a rut, sometimes even the weekends can feel quite demanding.  If you are afraid to be all by yourself because self confrontation is too hard; break the barrier, let you be you! Do something that you always wanted to do but have never been able to. Explore a new coffee shop, buy a little something from the shop you always window peeped and never walked in! Drive in the by lanes you always thought of exploring.

After doing all or at least some of the above feel what you feel! Let it run through you! Rejuvenation will be the feeling!

Feb 9, 2011

The choice of change

In a maze called life change is inevitable; be it social, financial, emotional or locational. It may feel like we are lost only to be found later. It becomes so much an integral part of us that subconsciously we chop and change ourselves a little within each time.

With change comes the unknown. With the unknown comes the need to step up. With the need to step up comes the uncharted waters. With the uncharted waters comes the big wave. With the big wave comes that adrenaline and that adrenaline rush is what brings out the best in us.

Its hard to change and even harder to change for the better. But if we can learn to conquer this; nearly half our battle is won.

Signing off with the courage to change

Jan 11, 2011

Mirrors and Mirages

Summer has started here and hills are not far from where I live. One afternoon as I was going to pick my son from Crèche travelling through a hilly road I realized I witnessed a mirage. Co-incidentally I was also checking my rear view mirror at the same time. A thought flashed through my mind "mirrors and mirages" so similar yet so different.

Mirrors tell us what us what we don't want to see. Mirages show us what we can't see.

Without light mirages don't exist; without light mirrors stand no appeal.

Mirrors and Mirages both reflect be it an image or oasis.

Mirrors takes every image of the onlooker; Mirage creates an image for every onlooker only limited to their imagination.

Blending in and flowing apart, sometimes a mirror, sometimes a mirage and some times me. Only so much to indite from my own reflections.